Brain Canada Announces New President and CEO

by Brain Canada Foundation and Women's Brain Health Initiative:

We're excited to announce that Dr. Viviane Poupon has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Brain Canada, a partner of Women's Brain Health Initiative. Dr. Poupon was previously Director of Scientific Development and Partnerships at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital), as well as the Chief Operating Officer of the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute.

“Viviane is an inspiring leader, and one with a proven ability to bridge scientific disciplines, strengthen relationships and facilitate discussions that achieve real results,” says Dr. Naomi Azrieli, Brain Canada Foundation Chair. “Viviane joins Brain Canada after an extraordinary career in the non-profit, public and scientific research sectors in Europe and Canada. With her vision and experience, Viviane will lead Brain Canada as it supports the biggest and boldest brain science of tomorrow.”

Brain disorders are currently among the leading causes of disability in the Canadian population and are associated with a large public health burden. These conditions take a further toll on families, caregivers, society and the economy.

“I am thrilled to join Brain Canada, an organization that is transforming research across the country by accelerating innovation and connecting the scientific community through the scale of its funding and by building a truly interdisciplinary commitment to brain research” says Dr. Viviane Poupon, Brain Canada’s incoming CEO and President. “People living with brain diseases need our commitment now more than ever. Brain Canada makes the case for the brain as a single system with commonalities across neurological disorders, mental illnesses and brain and spinal cord injuries. Looking at the brain as one system underscores the need for collaboration – it’s the smart way to invest in brain research.”

Since 2011, Brain Canada has had a major partnership with the Government of Canada, through Health Canada, which has provided $120 million to match donations from Brain Canada’s private and non-federal partners, and committed a further $40M over two years starting in 2020-21.

This commitment by the federal government empowers Canada to excel as a global leader in the quest to understand the brain and brain disorders. Through the Canada Brain Research Fund, Brain Canada and its supporters have invested $250 million in 300 research projects across the country to date, involving more than 1000 researchers at more than 115 institutions.

Dr. Poupon assumes her role as President and CEO of Brain Canada on September 14.


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