ET Canada's Host Cheryl Hickey shares her top holiday gift picks, including WBHI Hope-Knot

# 4: Mark Lash's Inspirational Charity 'Hope-Knot'

The Women’s Brain Health Initiative wanted an icon to raise awareness and escalate concern over the unchecked growth of dementia and other aging brain diseases in women. They hoped the symbol would to be memorable. Mark Lash's design was inspired by tying a knot in a string around a finger. The Hope-Knot is a loose visual of the brain, needed to symbolize the importance of memory and remind us of how connected every aspect of our lives is to our ability for cognitive thought.Will you forget? We Hope-Knot.Support the Initiative. Wear a Hope-Knot.» Link to Gift


The Hope-Knot Project to Combat Women's Brain Aging Disorders


Combination of imaging exams improves Alzheimer's diagnosis