Well Grounded

by Women's Brain Health Initiative:

Beverley Burdeyney is an active 79-year old personal fitness trainer and lifestyle dynamo who does not believe in “quick” fixes, but rather a long-term common sense approach to achieving and maintaining good health. Prevention, she says, is the key word to optimizing one’s health.

Beverley has developed an innovative program using ordinary balloons as resistance tools for engaging in core-strengthening exercises. She calls her program “Balloonology” – a unique, balanced series of simple and effective exercises using balloons for physical fitness, body rehabilitation, mindfulness, and relaxation. Individuals, both young and old, can benefit by participating in any one of the appropriate programs.

“With the balloons, I have created revolutionary, safe, simple, sequential, and effective techniques and movements that can be done in a lying, sitting, or standing position,” explained Beverley. “These techniques not only keep upright the entire spinal column and neck, but also reinforce and strengthen the core of the body. These exercises are most complementary and compatible with the body.”Beverley’s mantra is “life is a challenge, but life is a gift.”

She comes by that mantra honestly, having faced some significant health adversity.Beverley was born with a variety of congenital conditions, including spina bifida (L3-L5), upper back scoliosis, and unequal and unbalanced hips. All ailments left her with misaligned and misshaped legs of two different lengths. A number of years ago, she experienced a significant fall that left her with a twisted body and a slight hairline fracture to her hip. The years of pain that Beverley endured, together with her time in a wheelchair and being in a body cast, motivated her search for alternative treatment solutions.

Beverley began to think outside the box, beyond what her family doctor or orthopedic specialists recommended, and came up with a creative solution that was not reliant on medication.

While attending a birthday celebration in a room filled with balloons, she began developing her idea for Balloonology.Dr. Howard Winston, the Medical Director of the Centre for Health and Sports Medicine, fully endorses Beverley’s Balloonology therapy. “There’s different types of exercises – there’s isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic – and this is more of an isometric exercise, so you’re not going to see much motion, but certainly the muscles are working, and that’s what I like about it.”

Many of Beverley’s clients credit her program with being innovative in helping them restore health and well-being. They appreciate the simplicity of using the balloons and love that the exercises can be tailored to their own pace and schedule. The program does not require a gym, equipment, or supervision. And, most importantly, no matter what your ailment or age, the exercises can benefit everyone.

Her clients also agree that the older Beverley gets, the more extraordinary she is, and it does not seem like she is interested in slowing down. “I have been blessed with a rewarding and interesting life. Above all, I kept myself vertical, functional, and am still striving to help others.”Beverley professes that a balanced life requires “practicing good nutrition and performing a sensible exercise program daily. Just move and move more, but also rest, relax, and cultivate a sense of purpose, gratitude, and joy. Gratitude reinforces power, peace, and purpose.”One of the simplest exercises for those who sit for long periods of time can be tried at home or at the office.

  1. Sitting upright in a chair, place a balloon in between your knees and under each arm, with elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.

  2. Gently squeeze the balloon in between the knees, and simultaneously squeeze the balloons under your arms towards the body.

  3. Look straight ahead and gently push yourself forward, squeezing and release.

  4. Repeat.

For greater impact, an additional balloon can be placed behind the back in between the shoulder blades (or behind the neck if in a chair with a high back rest). For a live demonstration of this exercise, visit http://bit.ly/balloonology.

One should always check with a health care professional before beginning any exercise program.



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