Foods That Do Wonders For Brain Health

by Nina Shadi for To Be Aware:As you may know, food and calories fuel your body each day giving it the energy it needs to functions. But you also need fuel for the brain as well, and there are certain foods that are better than others. Honestly, there are foods that are simply essential for brain health and strength.  Although there are many foods that support brain health, below we will discuss five foods that do wonders for your brain. They’re great for you and taste just as great as well!The Five Foods That Do Wonders For Your Brain Oily FishOily fish is critical for optimal brain health as it contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain development and the maintenance of health brain tissue. Further,Omega-3's are also needed to maintain the health of every single cell in our bodies. The list goes on and on about the benefits of these fatty acids. Fish containing these Omega-3’s include: Salmon (fresh, not farm raised), Mackerel, Herring, and Sardines. Nutritionists currently recommended eat at last two portions of these fish a week as part of a balanced diet. For those of you that do not eat fish, taking a supplement or vitamin made from the above listed fish daily will also do wonders for you brain. Walnuts are also high in Omega-3’s. Bottom line, this food does wonders for your brain.BlueberriesBlueberries are incredibly high in antioxidants as well as vitamin C. Numerous studies have shown that these berries can guard against short-term memory loss. Moreover, eating blueberries can also help improve coordination and balance. In addition to increasing brain health, this antioxidant rich fruit is great for your skin and fighting free radicals in the air.Pumpkin SeedsPumpkin Seeds are also a fantastic source of Omega-3’s as well as Zinc. Research shows that these seeds help maintain sensory functioning in the brain. For you vegetarians, who skip on fish, but still want a good dose of Omega-3’s, pumpkin seeds are a great way to go. Pumpkins seeds can easily be added to any salad or just eaten plain.AvocadoAvocados are simply fantastic! True, they are high in fat, but they’re high in healthy fat. Avocados help facilitate blood flow to the brain, which is critical to keeping the brain alert, and focused. Furthermore, they can also reduce your blood pressure.ChocolateSolid, dark chocolate should be in a category of it’s own. It’s simply an amazing food that helps increase functioning and health throughout many aspects of the body and brain. Now, don’t go out and by yourself some dark chocolate Milkyways and pretend that you’re eating healthy. Only solid dark or milk chocolate (preferable dark) with a high percentage of cocoa solids and very few other ingredients yield the great benefits. Eating this super food will give you a jolt of antioxidants, and improved memory functioning. Milk chocolate specifically has been shown to improve motor functions and reaction times.Get your healthy dose a few times a week and you’re on the right track. Of course, maintaining a diet rich in these foods can be difficult depending on the time of year, and if the food is in season, but get creative! There are always ways to squeeze in some of these essential brain foods!Source:


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