Reading Is Good for Your Brain

by Joyce Remy for Seniors Digest"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." -Sir Richard SteeleDan, 76, finds himself sitting on the couch watching TV almost every night. He doesn't seem to be as interested in the world around him as he once was, and feels sluggish. An avid reader, Amy, 80, has developed macular degeneration, and has trouble making out the print of her beloved collection of books. Living on a fixed income, Martha, 66, is looking for an inexpensive form or entertainment, and a way to meet people with similar interests.You may have heard the term "lifelong learning." Though learning begins when we are children, education is truly a never-ending process—and reading is an important part of learning for everyone. Reading not only keeps us informed about the world around us, but also provides intellectual stimulation and helps keep us mentally sharp.Reading offers benefits not found in more "passive" media. It gives the brain a much better workout than does watching television. When we watch TV, we take in the information in a passive way. But reading allows the mind to:

  • pause, reflect, think
  • operate more actively
  • use intellect and emotion together
  • develop a longer attention span.

Reading about a subject provides far more comprehensive information than watching TV. And we are in more control—we can skim over portions that interest us less, move backwards and forwards, re-read, savor.Reading helps keep us oriented and engaged. Science, history, biography, self-help-our picture of our world and the world around us is "filled in" a little more with each book we read.We don't just read because it's good for our brains, of course! For many people, there is no greater pleasure than to curl up with a good book. Reading lets us travel to anywhere in the world and in time without leaving the comfort of our own chair. We can visit a fantasy realm with JRR Tolkien, or the American West with Louis L'Amour, or solve a treacherous mystery with Agatha Christie. Romance fans travel to exotic locales with their heroes and heroines. The Harry Potter books are popular with readers of every age. When we read, we can experience all sort of adventures without even getting our feet wet!Reading can also be a great way to visit with friends—or to make new ones. What better way to get lively conversation going than to have people with interests in common read and discuss books, magazines or the newspaper? Consider joining a book group—or starting one. And don't forget that when grandchildren visit, they may love to have you read aloud to them. Then have them demonstrate their own reading skills. Or join a volunteer "read aloud" program in a local school or library.Can't Decide What To Read?Rereading an old favorite book can be like visiting an old friend. Or try a new type of book. If you enjoyed a book by a certain author, try others by the same writer. Ask a friend for recommendations. Check out book reviews in the local newspaper or on the Internet. And some online bookstores, such as, feature reading lists shared by others. Enter the name of a favorite book—and see what others who like it are also reading.


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