5 steps to keep Alzheimer's patients safe

by Jenna Hanchard for KSHB:According to Alzheimer's Association, six in 10 people with dementia or Alzheimer's will wander away from their home.Often times, people with these illnesses will not remember their address, know where they are or be able to find their way home.Taking the necessary steps to prevent a friend or family member from wandering away can become a life or death situation.The Alzheimer's Association has provided the following tips to keep someone diagnosed with Alzheimer's or Dementia from getting into a dangerous situation.-Put door locks high on doors, as individuals in the middle stages of the disease tend to not look up.-Place a curtain in front of the door to camouflage the exit.-Hide keys in a safe place.-Paint doors and door knobs the same color as the walls to camouflage exits.-Use devices that signal when a door or window is open.


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