5 Things Alzheimer’s Sufferers Want You to Know

by Aging Care:Men and women who are living with Alzheimer’s share their thoughts on what they’d like to tell the world:I’ve been diagnosed, not defined, see the real me: “I am not a diagnostic or a statistic. I still have feelings, thoughts, dreams, hopes and plans. There are many things I can still do. I am not sitting in a wheelchair in a nursing home staring out the window—not yet. I am a vibrant, loving person. Always remember: I have Alzheimer’s, it does not have me.”I can’t do this alone, help me: “I need you to help me find ways to succeed at helping others and in doing something significant with my life. I am very capable of putting thoughts together and expressing them. I sometimes need help understanding things, but that does not mean that I don’t understand. I sometimes need help expressing things, but that doesn’t mean I have no thoughts, and nothing to say. Help me when I need it, and let me do all I can, while I still can.” I am worthy, respect me: “I need to feel that what I say and do matters. I have much yet to offer the world. In many ways, I have more to offer than someone who has not read the final chapter of their life yet. I have lived life, my life, and I am worthy of respect, just as I was before.”I am scared, comfort me: “I am scared of the unknown. I don’t know if I have six months to communicate, or six years. I worry about going to bed at night and whether I’m going to be as bad tomorrow. This disease is with you 24/7. It’s my brain and I can’t get away from it—it is a scary thing.”I crave compassion, love me: “I need to feel loved and needed, and that my contribution to life matters and helps someone else. I need to feel loved and not rejected because of my diagnosis. I need people to meet and accept me where I am at, right now…It’s important to understand that I don’t understand. I don’t have any idea why I forget some things and remember others. It’s not intentional—I just don’t have the ability to realize what I’m doing wrong.”Source: http://bit.ly/1x7AcTj


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