5 ways to close the door on Alzheimer’s stigma

by Freedom Homecare:Every day major strides are made in the efforts aimed at understanding Alzheimer’s disease. The unfortunate but honest truth, however, is that there is still a myriad of misconceptions surrounding the condition. Because of that confusion, those suffering from Alzheimer’s often feel alienated and misunderstood.Depression often goes hand in hand with the already difficult side effects of Alzheimer’s. But some of those feelings could be alleviated by simply talking about the disease with family members and friends.To help open the lines of communication and close the door to depression, current and former members of the National Alzheimer's Association Early-Stage Advisory Group have compiled a list of suggestions to better cope. The group, which consists of individuals in the early stage of the disease participate to raise awareness, and they work in concert with the Alzheimer’s Association, the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research.Here is their list:Be open and direct. Engage others in discussions about Alzheimer’s disease and the need for prevention, better treatment and an eventual cure.Communicate the facts. Sharing accurate information is key to dispelling misconceptions about the disease. Whether a pamphlet or link to online content, offer information to help people better understand Alzheimer’s disease.Seek support and stay connected. It is important to stay engaged in meaningful relationships and activities. Whether family, friends or a support group, a network is critical.Don’t be discouraged. Denial of the disease by others is not reflection of you. If people think that Alzheimer’s disease is normal aging, see it as an education opportunity.Be a part of the solution. Advocate for yourself and millions of others by speaking out and raising awareness.Source: http://www.freedomhomecare.net/fhc/five-methods-to-close-the-door-on-alzheimers-stigma


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