How to make the most on Mother's Day for those with Alzheimer's

by Terry Richard for The Oregonian:Making Mother’s Day meaningful for a mother suffering Alzheimer’s disease can be a challenge for a daughter, son or other family member.How much will be remembered depends on the stage of the disease, be it early, mid or late. Kristrun Grondal, program director for the Oregon chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, offers these suggestions: 

  • Patients with impaired memories often respond to past events and to people they love.
  • Use photographs of familiar objects as a way to initiate conversation. While your mom may not recognize you as an adult, she may respond to photographs of the person as a youngster. Talk about it in third person, as though you are not the child. 
  • Music is a way to connect. Choose music from an era, or specific performers from the era, that the patient enjoyed. Sing along in a quiet setting, in a small group or one-on-one.
  • Watch out for overstimulation, which can make the situation difficult. 
  • If your mother enjoyed a pet, try bringing one, but make sure the animal is soft and cuddly. Or make it a stuffed animal, or even a doll. 
  • Present a wrapped gift, something that is fun to open, hold, look at and smell, that brings comfort or joy. It could be something as simple as a warm blanket.
  • Bring something special to eat, perhaps a favorite flavor of ice cream or sweets.
  • Go outside, if possible.



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