Research says fried and grilled meats may lead to dementia

by Rick Couri for KRMG:The research shows fried or grilled meat led to more memory loss, Alzheimer’s and other issues related to memory.The culprit is something called advanced glycation end products, or AGES. The compound is created when protein from the meat interacts with fat and sugar while being cooked.Scientists found mice fed a low-AGES diet did better on cognitive tests and had much more memory function. They now believe there is a relationship between AGES and poor memory in anyone over the age of 60.Doctors say more work is needed before they can definitively say the link between fried or grilled meats, and dementia is solid.They do however, point out eating a healthier diet has multiple benefits.One suggestion is to move away from foods with AGES through the "less heat and more water," method.In plain terms, they point out cooking methods such as poaching and steaming will help avoid other issues.Lead researcher Dr Simon Ridley told The BBC, "you don't have to become a vegetarian, but pay attention to what you eat and how you prepare it."Source:


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