Compelling evidence on the best ways to prolong your cognitive vitality in an effective and highly entertaining format.

That's What Friends Are For
Studies show that social connection is linked to better brain health. Social connection is among key potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia, making it one of the Six Pillars of Brain Health.

Activate Your Mind
This informative Mind Over Matter video features Dr. Kelly Murphy, a Clinical Neuropsychologist and assistant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto discussing Mental Stimulation as one of the Six Pillars of Brain Health. You’ll discover what makes an activity mentally stimulating, why doing more mentally stimulating activities is worth your while to delay or prevent dementia, and how to take action to get more mentally stimulating activities in your life.

Living with Alzheimer's
Receiving an Alzheimer's disease diagnosis is a life changing moment for the person living with it and for all those who love them. In this very personal firsthand account Ruby Qureshi takes us on that journey. She talks about being diagnosed, living with Alzheimer's, and dispels some of the myths around the disease. Her husband Pasha talks about being a caregiver and how you can help loved ones who have been diagnosed.

Sleep On It
A good night’s sleep helps you restore, recharge, solve problems, process emotions and memories leftover from the day, and quite literally, cleanses the brain of toxins, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Uncover why sleep is one of the Six Pillars of Brain Health featuring Dr. Andrew Lim, a sleep neurologist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and associate professor of neurology at the University of Toronto.

Calm Your Mind
Chronic stress can prematurely age your brain and can increase your dementia risk. Discover the ten best strategies for mastering stress with Dr. David Posen. CALM YOUR MIND is part of the Mind Over Matter video series.

Pump Up Your Brain
Getting your heart pumping improves cerebral blood flow helping to bring nutrients to your brain and removing waste products from your brain, both important for brain health. Find out why exercise is one of the six pillars of brain health in this informative video featuring Dr. Laura Middleton. PUMP UP YOUR BRAIN is part of the Mind Over Matter video series.

Know Your Six Pillars of Brain Health
Discover the most important lifestyle choices that protect your brain health as you age and what habits increase your risk for cognitive impairment from Lynn Posluns, the Founder and President of Women's Brain Health Initiative.

Mindful Eating
You can keep your brain healthy by adding smart foods and eliminating harmful choices from your diet. What you don't eat is just as important as what you do. Discover more about how food impacts your brain health. MINDFUL EATING is part of the Mind Over Matter video series.