Top 5 Ways to Exercise Your Brain

by Kyle Dowling for MStars News:As we age, our brain ages with us. And while it's important to exercise our bodies in order to stay fit, the same goes for the mind. Keeping a sharp head is imperative to keep yourself not only balanced and stable, but also, well, sane and healthy. So, how can we exercise our brains? Let's take a look the Top 5 ways...5. Play a Mind GamePlaying games such as chess, bingo and card games can strengthen your brain's ability to remain fit and sharp. Reports from note that a French study believed there to be a "15% lower risk of dementia among people who play board games versus those who did not." So, if you like Monopoly, board up!That's a saying, right?4. Read... LessIf you're saying, "Good, I don't read at all! That's less," well, then you're wrong. The same study reports that if you read, but read less articles and books your ability to focus strengthens, which will allow you to pay closer attention to the material you are reading.So, still read, but just read less.3. Play an Instrument Not only is the ability to play an instrument hella cool – yep, hella cool – but it's also a great way to keep your mind sharp. Reports state that playing an instrument for longer than a decade allows for a better memory. After all, all that "remembering how to play things" helps you... remember!2. Time ManagementMaking good use of your time is an essential part of, well, life. With all of the outside factors that can weigh heavily on our heads, the ability to keep your time managed helps not only your brain but also your world.1. Find What You Were Meant To DoThis is arguably the toughest thing to do... maybe ever. But finding your passion, your purpose, your path, is essential to keeping your brain healthy. Additionally, once you find out "who you are," you're less likely to find yourself a victim of depression and negative thoughts.Source:


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